Tag Archives: tattoo

Race Is Everywhere In Medicine–Meet A Student Trying To Change That (Recess Rehash)


Is race, a social construct, appropriately used to make medical decisions?

  • Race is commonly spoken of in medicine as a risk factor for diseases. It has even found its way into the equations that help doctors assess biological function.
  • But is race–commonly acknowledged these days as a social construct and not a biological one–really a valid way to factor in the differences between one patient and another? M3 Vijay and other students are helping lead the charge to re-assess these ideas.
  • Also, MD/PHD students Aline, Levi, and Riley help listener Michelina decide what to do about her hair during interviews…and debate whether aspiring docs should even be worried about their physical look when applying.

We Want to Hear From You: YOUR VOICE MATTERS!

No matter where you fall on any spectrum, we want your thoughts on our show.  Do you agree or disagree with something we said today?  Did you hear something really helpful?  Are we delivering a podcast you want to keep listening to?  We’ll be sure your ideas are heard by all–leave a message at 347-SHORTCT (347-746-7828) and we’ll put your message in a future episode (use *67 to be an “Unknown caller”).

We want to know more about you: Take the Listener Survey

Continue reading Race Is Everywhere In Medicine–Meet A Student Trying To Change That (Recess Rehash)

Race Is Everywhere In Medicine–Meet A Student Trying To Change That


Is race, a social construct, appropriately used to make medical decisions?

  • Race is commonly spoken of in medicine as a risk factor for diseases. It has even found its way into the equations that help doctors assess biological function.
  • But is race–commonly acknowledged these days as a social construct and not a biological one–really a valid way to factor in the differences between one patient and another? M3 Vijay and other students are helping lead the charge to re-assess these ideas.
  • Also, MD/PHD students Aline, Levi, and Riley help listener Michelina decide what to do about her hair during interviews…and debate whether aspiring docs should even be worried about their physical look when applying.

We Want to Hear From You: YOUR VOICE MATTERS!

No matter where you fall on any spectrum, we want your thoughts on our show.  Do you agree or disagree with something we said today?  Did you hear something really helpful?  Are we delivering a podcast you want to keep listening to?  We’ll be sure your ideas are heard by all–leave a message at 347-SHORTCT (347-746-7828) and we’ll put your message in a future episode (use *67 to be an “Unknown caller”).

We want to know more about you: Take the Listener Survey

Continue reading Race Is Everywhere In Medicine–Meet A Student Trying To Change That

Holding out for your dream school


Brandon Bacalzo (in back), Jessica De Haan (front) and others visit a giant inflatable colon. As one does.

Emotions are difficult to ignore.  Especially when those emotions are telling us to ACT NOW!  That’s what listener Jordan from Texas is fighting as he happily gets an acceptance from his backup, with no word from his dream school.  Should he commit now?  Should he sit tight?  Co-hosts Brandon Bacalzo, Michael Gardeau, Jessica De Haan, and Cody West (All M1s) share their experiences and advice for Jordan.

And Dave continues his quest to learn all he can about his med student friends with a game of Would You Rather.

Buy Our Merch and Give At The Same Time

You care about others, or you wouldn’t be into this medicine thing. Our #merchforgood program lets you to give to our charity of the semester and get something for yourself at the same time!

This Week in Medical News

What if transplant patients could introduce their immune systems to a friend who broadened its horizons and eliminated the need for anti-rejection meds?  The National Association for the Preservation of Skin Art will help remove and preserve your tattoos after you die.  And the first observed case of bladder fermentation syndrome.

We Want to Hear From You

How’s med school application season going for you?  Did you experience any interview trail weirdness you want to share? Call us at 347-SHORTCT anytime or email theshortcoats@gmail.com.  We love all kinds of messages!

Continue reading Holding out for your dream school

Planning Now for MD Happiness


Can You Plan Now for Happiness Later?

happiness photo
Photo by ecastro

Once you’re on the path to doctorhood, it can be hard to step off.  You’ll probably be happy…but what if you find out you’d rather just skate?   Sure, you’re making money, you’re an important part of the medical profession, you’ve got this under control…but there’s something missing: happiness, satisfaction.  How can medical students prevent happiness from not happening?  How can anyone?  Eric Snieders, Brady Campbell, Erica Henderson, and Marissa Evers take the example of San Diego’s local hero Slomo (former neurologist John Kitchin) as well as the apparently happy lives of hunter gatherers and residents of Norway, (but perhaps NOT the residents of the US of A) and try to think about what will keep them happy as they wend their way through the medical industrial complex.

This Week in Medical News

Thinking about tattooing your eyeball?  No?  Hmm, weird.  Well, a Canadian model would like you to think again…especially if you’re planning on having your boyfriend do it.  You’ve been warned.

We Want to Hear From You

Are you eyeing a tattoo?  Got one you want to show us? We want to see it!  Call us at 347-SHORTCT anytime, visit our Facebook group, or email theshortcoats@gmail.com.  Do all three!

Continue reading Planning Now for MD Happiness

Their Patients Won’t Know What Hit Them.


stress photo
Oh, wait…never mind. Photo by Celestine Chua

Second-years Kaci McCleary, Marc Toral, Corbin Weaver, and Aline Sandouk are about to finish their didactic studies in the curriculum and embark on their clinical clerkships!  At long last, they get to work with patients.  Among the questions they face: is it better to put yourself out there during clerkships?  Or keep your head down? And are they nervous? Maybe a little, but there was plenty of health news this week to distract themselves with, including a Harvard study that provides evidence that one’s stress and one’s health may be unrelated.

Continue reading Their Patients Won’t Know What Hit Them.

Second Shot–Enabling Outdoor Pursuits

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Second Shot
Volunteers at Second Shot assist Chris Norton Photo courtesy Second Shot

This time on The Short Coat, CCOM physical therapy student Reid Wilson stops by to tell Aline Sandouk, Cole Cheney, and Greg Woods about Second Shot. Reid is an outdoorsman and hunter. When his dog Zeus was laid up with a broken leg but clearly hankering to go out and do his thing in the woods, it occurred to Reid that Zeus likely wasn’t the only one. There were plenty of people like Zeus who, despite their physical disabilities, could benefit from time in the outdoors. And so, Second Shot was born to create opportunities for people to get out there and experience the outdoors once again.
Continue reading Second Shot–Enabling Outdoor Pursuits