Tag Archives: sclera tattoo

Planning Now for MD Happiness


Can You Plan Now for Happiness Later?

happiness photo
Photo by ecastro

Once you’re on the path to doctorhood, it can be hard to step off.  You’ll probably be happy…but what if you find out you’d rather just skate?   Sure, you’re making money, you’re an important part of the medical profession, you’ve got this under control…but there’s something missing: happiness, satisfaction.  How can medical students prevent happiness from not happening?  How can anyone?  Eric Snieders, Brady Campbell, Erica Henderson, and Marissa Evers take the example of San Diego’s local hero Slomo (former neurologist John Kitchin) as well as the apparently happy lives of hunter gatherers and residents of Norway, (but perhaps NOT the residents of the US of A) and try to think about what will keep them happy as they wend their way through the medical industrial complex.

This Week in Medical News

Thinking about tattooing your eyeball?  No?  Hmm, weird.  Well, a Canadian model would like you to think again…especially if you’re planning on having your boyfriend do it.  You’ve been warned.

We Want to Hear From You

Are you eyeing a tattoo?  Got one you want to show us? We want to see it!  Call us at 347-SHORTCT anytime, visit our Facebook group, or email theshortcoats@gmail.com.  Do all three!

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