Tag Archives: smartphone

Second Shot–Enabling Outdoor Pursuits

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Second Shot
Volunteers at Second Shot assist Chris Norton Photo courtesy Second Shot

This time on The Short Coat, CCOM physical therapy student Reid Wilson stops by to tell Aline Sandouk, Cole Cheney, and Greg Woods about Second Shot. Reid is an outdoorsman and hunter. When his dog Zeus was laid up with a broken leg but clearly hankering to go out and do his thing in the woods, it occurred to Reid that Zeus likely wasn’t the only one. There were plenty of people like Zeus who, despite their physical disabilities, could benefit from time in the outdoors. And so, Second Shot was born to create opportunities for people to get out there and experience the outdoors once again.
Continue reading Second Shot–Enabling Outdoor Pursuits

Doctor Psychopath Will See You Now

crazy doctor photo
This won’t hurt me a bit. Photo by OakleyOriginals

Merry Christmas, if that’s your thing. This week, Aline Sandouk, Lisa Wehr, Greg Woods, and Kaci McCleary ponder the prevalence of psychological issues among doctors. It turns out, they’re messed up, especially surgeons. Keep away from those guys, unless you need a transplant. Continue reading Doctor Psychopath Will See You Now

What Tech Makes Med School Easier?


When you’re drinking from the firehose, you need a good straw.  This is why medical students often turn to technology to help distill everything down into something they can actually remember and use.  But buried under a mountain of technological possibilities, it’s really difficult to decide on what level of dependence on technology you’ll accept, what apps to use, what websites to trust, how to establish a workflow for studying, whether or not residents (or worse, patients) will ding you for whipping out your smartphone during rounds, how to keep all your devices charged, and how to pay for it all.

Students Alison Pletch, Jesse Van Maanen, and Cole Cheney talked about the tech they use;  what about you?  

Listen to Episode 029: What Tech Makes Med School Easier?.

The opinions expressed in this feed and podcast are not those of the University of Iowa or the Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine.