Fried Lard on a Stick in a Cup

fried food photo
Brought to you by…State Fairs: We Make French Fries Seem Healthy! Photo by Brett Jordan

Kaci McCleary, Cory Christensen and Tae Kim are excited to experience Iowa State Fair food, which is arguably responsible for a large percentage of Iowa’s dead people.  Enjoy your nacho balls and other crunchy spheres, bacon and brisket explosions, and fried food-that-used-to-be-good-for-you-until-they-fried-it on a stick.  We also talk about The Atlantic’s article about what babies undergrads are about touchy subjects, which just annoys Kaci, who thinks this is a media-manufactured trend.

Also, researchers grow entire monkey arms in the lab .  And Google Life Sciences is working on a bandage-sized disposable device that will replace the familiar but reviled finger stick that diabetics use to monitor blood glucose.

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