Tag Archives: food

Ask Your doctor if COVID is Right For You.


As COVID numbers tick up, we choose to drown our sorrows in French/Korean fusion baked goods.


  • Dave picks his co-hosts’ brains on how they interpret the latest numbers on COVID
  • We eat baked goods that AJ brought us and try to guess what’s in them, and fail because they’re deliciously unlike anything we’ve had before.
  • We play Out of the Loop.

NOTE: this episode was recorded a few weeks back–some of the COVID numbers referred to are out of date, but the discussion is still valid.

Dave’s growing concerned about the recent uptick in COVID numbers, but like most non-epidemiologists, he isn’t quite sure what exactly they mean. So he brings it to the closest people he has to doctors to talk about it with on a Friday afternoon, his medical student co-hosts. MD/PhD student Aline Sandouk, M2 AJ Chowdhury, M2 Nicole Hines, and M2 Sarah Costello help him process.

To help that bitter pill go down, AJ brought some sweet tasty pastries all the way from Shilla Bakery in the Washington DC area. They aren’t a sponsor, we just really enjoyed their Korean/European fusion baked goods! Folks with misophonia, Nicole says sorry for her chewing noises.

And we play a game of Out of the Loop.

We Want to Hear From You

How’d we do on this week’s show? Did we miss anything in our conversation? Did we anger you? Did we make you smile? Call us at 347-SHORTCT anytime  or email theshortcoats@gmail.com.  It’s always a pleasure to hear from you!

Continue reading Ask Your doctor if COVID is Right For You.

Thanksgiving surprise: they didn’t vomit


Happy Thanksgiving to Short Coats Everywhere!

Dave loves all Short Coats–he’s like a benevolent god, except without any godly powers or omniscience (as well as a slightly lower sense of self-importance) but with plenty of love. However, he does like to put people in iffy situations, which is why he and his wife Christine fired up the Short Coat Test Kitchen to create Golden Thanksgiving Perfection Salad for the co-hosts.  Perfection not included, but Gabe Conley, Claire Casteneda, and noobs Erik Kneller and Nick Evans don’t hate it.  While they ‘enjoy’ that, listener Rachel messaged us on Facebook to suggest we discuss the latest news in chronic traumatic encephalopathy research, in which former NFL player Fred McNeill is the first to have had a PET scan before his death, which means there is now evidence that PET scans can be used as a diagnostic tool for CTE.  Speaking of research, Dave pops a quiz from tweets on #weirdresearch.

This Week in Medical News

A 7-year-old boy has had 80% of his skin replaced with close to 1 square meter of skin genetically engineered from his own cells…and he’s doing great!  And another genetic engineering first will soon bear fruit (or fail) for a man who is the first to have had his DNA engineered from within as a treatment for Hunter syndrome.

We Want to Hear From You

How was your break?  Did you miss school?  Do you have things for us to talk about? Call us at 347-SHORTCT anytime, visit our Facebook group, or email theshortcoats@gmail.com.

Continue reading Thanksgiving surprise: they didn’t vomit

Fried Lard on a Stick in a Cup


fried food photo
Brought to you by…State Fairs: We Make French Fries Seem Healthy! Photo by Brett Jordan

Kaci McCleary, Cory Christensen and Tae Kim are excited to experience Iowa State Fair food, which is arguably responsible for a large percentage of Iowa’s dead people.  Enjoy your nacho balls and other crunchy spheres, bacon and brisket explosions, and fried food-that-used-to-be-good-for-you-until-they-fried-it on a stick.  We also talk about The Atlantic’s article about what babies undergrads are about touchy subjects, which just annoys Kaci, who thinks this is a media-manufactured trend.

Continue reading Fried Lard on a Stick in a Cup

SLoCCOMP: Denise Martinez


They stand up every day in the front of the room, going on about the nitty-gritty details of this or that, while your desperate fear of missing something that will be on the test is coming off you like an odor.  But who are these lecturers and professors, really? We’ll find out in this series, Secret Lives of CCOM Professors.

Denise Martinez, MD, Assistant Dean for Cultural Affairs and Diversity Initiatives
Denise Martinez, MD, Assistant Dean for Cultural Affairs and Diversity Initiatives

Denise Martinez, MD, is the Assistant Dean for Cultural Affairs and Diversity Initiatives, and as such it may be fitting that she and her husband are foodies with a special interest in ethnic foods. Continue reading SLoCCOMP: Denise Martinez