SLoCCOMP: Peter Rubenstein

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They stand up every day in the front of the room, going on about the nitty-gritty details of this or that, while your desperate fear of missing something that will be on the test is coming off you like an odor.  But who are these lecturers and professors, really? We’ll find out in this series, Secret Lives of CCOM Professors.

Peter Rubenstein, PhD, Professor of Biochemistry and Kreb's Cycle Lyricist
Peter Rubenstein, PhD, Professor of Biochemistry and Kreb’s Cycle Lyricist

Melissa Palma wanted to start SloCCOMP strong, so she spoke with the ever popular Peter Rubenstein, PhD…

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The Magic Ch-chingdom.

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Addled by food and centrifugal force, Dave loses touch with reality
Addled by food and centrifugal force, Dave loses touch with reality

Dave returns from his vacation at Disney World in sunny Florida, and recaps for Senuri Jayatilleka, John Pienta, and Cole Cheney his fascination with how Disney takes your money and makes you love it.  How does that relate to medicine?  Who cares, it’s fun! And Suri is puzzled by her surgery shelf exam, which seemed to have few questions on actual surgery.  Continue reading The Magic Ch-chingdom.

Recorded in the Nude

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teeth dream photo
Photo by half alive – soo zzzz

This time, Dave is on vacation, but John Pienta, Aline Sandouk, Cole Cheney, and Kaci McCleary didn’t let that stop them. Thanks to Intern Cory, they were able to carry on without him (*sniff*). Kaci and Aline review their first year: was it fun? I bet you know the answer to that one. How did it change them? What did they discover during the experience? How did they cope? What choices did they make, and how did that affect their well-being? And John and Cole clue them on what they’ll face next year.
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Miles of Smiles

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Guatemalan balloon animals are just as therapeutic as US ones. Photo by David Janssen. Used with permission.

Fourth-year students David Janssen and Lindsey Knake recently arrived home to Iowa from Guatemala, where, along with anesthesiologist David Swanson, they participated in the Miles of Smiles Team (MOST) cleft palate repair medical mission.  Team leader and former UI otolaryngologist Dr. John Canady joined us to discuss what it’s like to do a ‘short term’ medical mission each year for more than 10 years in a country where the needs are great and the resources aren’t.

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The Examined Life Conference

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elcOur show this time was record in front of a remarkably appreciative audience at The Examined Life Conference, and it was a lot of fun.  We talked with several presenters from the conference, including Gabriel Ledger an emergency physician who became a filmmaker when he decided he wanted to find out more about the patients he’d encountered in the ER.  We spoke with Emily White, an Iowa undergrad who has been doing research on Dignity Therapy and who no doubt has a bright future in medicine.  Toni Becker is a speech language pathology grad student whose portraiture and interviews of people with disabilities remind us of their significance.  Susan Ball is associate director of the New York Presbyterian’s AIDS care center, and shared with us her experiences as a physician at the start of the AIDS epidemic.
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How do you solve a problem like the Food Babe?

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Science is hard!
Science is hard!
The blogosphere is full of science misinformation, and lately Food Babe has been getting an earful for her contributions to that steaming pile of nonsense.  If you don’t know her, you should because she’s on a mission to teach people how to eat ‘like the Food Babe’ because she knows what she’s doing–and those people she’s teaching are your patients.  Is her heart in the right place–she just wants people to know what they’re eating–despite her lack of scientific knowledge, and does that make it okay? How did we get to this place where whether something is food or isn’t food has to be debated? What can medical professionals do to counter misinformation patients find on Dr. Google?  Continue reading How do you solve a problem like the Food Babe?

The Dean Speaks

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Dean Debra A. Schwinn, MD

It’s a long road, and a lot of deliberate work to get to the top spot in academic medicine; and there’s not that many top spots available.  Fortune 500 CEOs are a dime a dozen, but there are only a relative handful of dean positions out there.  For this episode, Cole Cheney talked with our own Dean Debra Schwinn to find out more about her and her journey, and Zhi Xiong, Greg Woods, and Corey Christensen pitched in with their reactions to questions like…

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Chew Blood

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Coming up on Food Television, it’s everyone’s favorite chef Jack Kewla! Photo by DerrickT

Hey, sports fans! This week, Aline Sandouk, Kaci Mcleary, John Pienta, and Cory Christensen talk about sports injuries, particularly football. Lately John Urschel of the Baltimore Ravens and Chris Borland of the 49ers have brought this issue back into the spotlight, as Boreland quits the game and Urschel continues despite risking the intellectual capabilities that have enabled him to be a published mathematician.
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Match Day 2015!

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photo of smiling, matched medical students
What relief looks like. Photo by Dave Etler
The excitement was palpable as we waited for the clock to strike 11 a.m. CST. Or maybe it was fear, hope, dread…whatever it was, we were waiting for the results of Match Day 2015, when med students throughout the country found out where they’d be going as newly minted residents to finish their training for the next few years. After the drama had played out, and everyone else had left the building to start celebrating, Damien Ihrig–he’s the registrar here at the College of Medicine–sat down with Nathan Miller, Melissa Palma, and Jordan Harbaugh-Williams to talk about Match Day and everything that lead up to it. Continue reading Match Day 2015!

The Shortcoat Potcast

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medical cannabis photo
Photo by new 1lluminati

Okay, now that I got my pot joke out of the way, we can focus on the episode, the topic of which this week is medical and recreational cannabis.  Nathan Miller, Kaci McCleary, Corbin Weaver, and Eric Wilson explore the attention marijuana is getting lately from the medical and legislative/legal communities.  On the medical front, what are the uses of pot?  Do we actually know anything useful about the uses of pot?  What are the ramifications of the legalization of recreational marijuana?  Have med schools caught up with these new views on pot?  Are there other countries that have successfully legalized MJ without collapsing into anarchy or suffering from the effects of potheads’ endlessly innovative bong-making drives?

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An honest guide to the amazing and intense world of medical school.