Replaced by a bird.

photo: a turkey stuffed by an octopus, natch.
Cthurkey lives! Photo by @damana, used with permission.

This Thanksgiving, why not enjoy a Cthurkey while you contemplate the many health hazards embodied by America’s favorite celebration of gluttony?  And if you are a future radiologist, you might be as demoralized as Ellie Ginn, Tony Rosenberg, Dylan Todd, and Kaci McCleary were to learn about a UIowa/UC-Davis study that finds pigeons are just as good at it as you’ll ever be.

The new heroin epidemic has caught the attention of Iowans, and the UI hosted a conference this week in the hopes of figuring out what to do about it.  Meanwhile, if you’re still unsure about the health benefits of coffee, a Harvard study of 208,501 health care providers’ risk of mortality shows you’re better off throwing back several cups a day, so pass the creamer. And thanks to Kaci’s melodious voice, Dave has a new ringtone.

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