This week, Cole Cheney, Terrance Wong, and Lisa Wehr marvel at an Indian boy’s odontoma and its many, many, many toothlets. Also, how to decrease transmission of Ebola by using fist-bumps instead of handshakes and have the hippest clinic in the world all at the same time. Also, Ebola. The Second Fittest Woman On Earth hopes to do better, and how the future of pharmacology is imperiled by climate change.
Listen to Episode 039: Fist bumps, Ebola, and Too Many Teeth.
Listen to more great shows for medical students on The Vocalis Podcast Network.
- The Future of Medicine Depends on The Most Fragile Places on Earth
- Fist Bumps Safer Than Handshakes
- Case Med School Student Out To Prove She’s the Fittest Woman On Earth
- Peace Corps Pulls Volunteers Over Ebola Outbreak
- Indian Boy Who Had a World Record 232 Teeth