Tag Archives: legal

The PERFECT specialty? Occupational Medicine ft. Matthew Kiok, MD, MPH


Occupational Medicine offers a great lifestyle, scope mix, and early-career satisfaction

Matthew Kiok, MD, MPH tells us he’s found the perfect specialty. Occupational Medicine is one of those careers we’re exploring in our sleeper specialty series–those which you might not immediately think of when you’re considering a career as a physician. Dr. Kiok tells M1 Fallon Jung, PA1 Julie Vuong, and M2 Jeff Goddard that he has great work-life balance and a satisfying scope of practice. He makes a difference in peoples’ lives by keeping them safe in their workplaces or assessing work-related injuries, even testifying as an expert in court. His experiences highlight the unique challenges and rewarding moments in his chosen career and insights into the complicated relationship between doctors, employers, and employees. He offers advice to those considering a similar career path–and he even gave us his email address if you want to ask him more about it! What a guy!

More about our guest:

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Continue reading The PERFECT specialty? Occupational Medicine ft. Matthew Kiok, MD, MPH

The Case of the Foolish Anesthesiologist


voice memo photo
Go ahead, doc. I’m listening. Photo by James Cridland

Lisa Wehr, Kaci McCleary, Aline Sandouk, and John Pienta discuss the anesthesiologist whose patient accidentally caught her on tape insulting, defaming, and generally being a jerk about him. Obviously, this crosses a line, but there is a lot of gallows humor in medicine. Are doctors at risk for having their ‘private conversations’ recorded and being used against them, even in the operating room? And John, reacting to a scenario in an ethics small group session, suggests that it might be a valid thing to ignore legality in favor of doing the right thing, and his classmates were not happy.

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The opinions expressed in this feed and podcast are not those of the University of Iowa or the Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine; nor do they reflect the views of anyone other than the people who expressed them.  If you have feedback on anything you hear on the show, positive or not, let us know.