Tag Archives: ERAS

AMA says “provider” is out; OB/Gyn ditches residency application they helped create


Why docs don’t like the word “provider,” and the surprise dealt to the AAMC by OB residency programs

  • A Delaware-based health system is taking a stand against the use of the term “provider” to describe physicians. The AMA agrees, saying they oppose the term “provider” as inadequate and urging physicians to insist on being identified as such. Co-hosts Nicole (Pathology Extern), Riley (MD/PhD student), and Jeff (M2) discuss why that word might not capture what doctors do.
  • In the mid 90s, OB/Gyn residencies helped to pilot the Association of American Medical Colleges’ Electronic Residency Application Service, or ERAS. This year, to the “surprise and dismay” of the AAMC, the OB residencies are jumping ship this year and starting their own system.
  • Despite the oft-repeated trivia, urine isn’t sterile. I know!

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Continue reading AMA says “provider” is out; OB/Gyn ditches residency application they helped create

Electronic residency Application Service Glitching…Again?


More tales from Residency Interviews


  • Puzzled by the interviewer’s question? You can fumble around with the answer, or answer a question that wasn’t asked.
  • Did the Electronic Residency Application Service screw some applicants (again)?
  • We get to know this week’s cohosts using interview questions they might actually enjoy answering.

This episode is sponsored by Panacea Financial, a division of Primis, Member FDIC. See how they are helping med students and doctors with better banking built just for them at https://panaceafinancial.com/.

reject photo

We’re not going to lie: amid reports that ERAS is glitching yet again, this week’s episode is kind of a bitch fest. If you want to hear about the problems associated with medical education, this is the episode for you. And hey, if you thought that med school was hard simply because there’s a lot of studying, well, this ep will broaden your horizons a bit on that front.

To take the curse off all that crankiness, Dave decided to get to know his co-hosts with some questions that he recommends interviewers ask instead of “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”

We Want to Hear From You

How’d we do on this week’s show? Did we miss anything in our conversation? Did we anger you? Did we make you smile? Call us at 347-SHORTCT anytime  or email theshortcoats@gmail.com.  It’s always a pleasure to hear from you!

Continue reading Electronic residency Application Service Glitching…Again?