Tag Archives: lawsuit

Lone Stars and Lawsuits : Will Texas’ unique Solution to Abortion stand?


Texas thinks it’s finally found the solution to the abortion ‘problem.’ What will it cost them?


  • Now that Texas has conferred on its citizens the responsibility for enforcing it’s ban on abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, what will be the effects?
  • The University of Iowa community protests alleged sex abuse in Greek life, but the movement is tearing itself apart.
  • We play a game to distract ourselves from all that stuff.

This episode is sponsored in part by Panacea Financial, a division of Primis, member FDIC. Check out what a bank built by doctors for doctors and med students can offer!

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The big national news this week is Texas’ ban on abortion after six weeks. Such laws in other states have routinely been blocked at the Federal level as unconstitutional. But the Texas law is different–instead of giving its attorney general the responsibility for enforcing the new law (and thus, someone to block from enforcing it), Texas has given the power of enforcement to all citizens of the US, allowing anyone to sue in civil court anyone who aids and abets in an attempt to seek an abortion, for up to $10,000. In other words, there’s no one for the Federal government to sue to block the law. What will be the effects on medical education, especially residency training, in Texas?

Also, we discuss our own community’s struggle as a large group accuses a fraternity of creating an environment that encourages sex abuse. But the movement–like many large activist groups–seems to be eating itself as its members debate the methods it should use. Is property damage a viable way to send a message, or does it detract from the message?

And we play a game to distract ourselves from all that stuff.

We Want to Hear From You

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Continue reading Lone Stars and Lawsuits : Will Texas’ unique Solution to Abortion stand?

The Case of the Foolish Anesthesiologist


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Go ahead, doc. I’m listening. Photo by James Cridland

Lisa Wehr, Kaci McCleary, Aline Sandouk, and John Pienta discuss the anesthesiologist whose patient accidentally caught her on tape insulting, defaming, and generally being a jerk about him. Obviously, this crosses a line, but there is a lot of gallows humor in medicine. Are doctors at risk for having their ‘private conversations’ recorded and being used against them, even in the operating room? And John, reacting to a scenario in an ethics small group session, suggests that it might be a valid thing to ignore legality in favor of doing the right thing, and his classmates were not happy.

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The opinions expressed in this feed and podcast are not those of the University of Iowa or the Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine; nor do they reflect the views of anyone other than the people who expressed them.  If you have feedback on anything you hear on the show, positive or not, let us know.