Tag Archives: freestyle

When Balloon Animals Attack

Photo by Cory Christensen

In his former life, co-host Mark Moubarek was a children’s entertainer. So in a stroke of genius, Dave decides to have him make balloon animals for Aline Sandouk, Marc Toral, and Rob Humble. On an audio podcast.  But it’s okay because it’s summer! Or, read another way, Dave had nothing prepared for the show, and so we’re free styling.  Not a plan in the world.  We talk about eating bugs, the television programs we were allowed to watch as children, Dave’s impending trip to the Podcast Movement conference, and how he’d love to some day do a presentation on what podcasting can do for medicine. Also, Aline’s had a physical transformation after she took Step 1, and we observe the phenomenon of scientists with out of control eyebrows.

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The opinions expressed in this feed and podcast are not those of the University of Iowa or the Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine; nor do they reflect the views of anyone other than the people who expressed them.  If you have feedback on anything you hear on the show, positive or not, let us know.

Freestyling in McCowen


We’re trying something new with the podcast. It’s been a while between episodes, and your erstwhile executive producer hasn’t had a lot of time to arrange for great interviewees or topics.  So, I thought, let’s get together and just…talk.  Freestyle, as it were.  We talk with med students Tim Bahr, Pat Hussey, Elizabeth Dupic, and Rhonda Endecott about their highs and lows of the past week, CCOM Match Day results, and whatever crossed our minds, basically.

And there were some news stories that caught my eye recently including infection rates at hospitals according to the CDC (hint: I’d rather drive recklessly than get admitted); and Wikipedia’s Jimmy Wales says “Uh, no” to alt-med champions because he’d rather the site feature actually credible medical info (which is good news for basic science course directors, eh?).

Listen to Episode 030: Freestyling in McCowen.

Listen to more great shows for medical students on The Vocalis Podcast Network.
The opinions expressed in this feed and podcast are not those of the University of Iowa or the Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine.