Peace Be With You, Russian Sex Geckos

Original image: Gecko, by StudioTempura, Flickr

Nathan Miller and Aline Sandouk return to react and discuss the latest news and info from the world of medicine and medical education.  We say a little prayer for some Russian geckos sent into space for what should have been the time of their lives, but sadly wasn’t.

We also applaud the NIH’s solution to the ethical dilemmas posed by the use of Henrietta Lacks’ so-called immortal cells in research (catch up on that by going back to episode 025).  We talk about resident- and fourth-year suicides and what to do about the problem.  We talk about Dr. Brian Goldman’s solution to medical mistakes: talking about them openly.  And yet another innovative use of 3d printing: medication implants.

Episode 044: Peace Be With You, Russian Sex Geckos

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The opinions expressed in this feed and podcast are not those of the University of Iowa or the Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine.