Tag Archives: ethnography

The Secret to Getting Better Health Care: Be Different


Do Patients Have to Perform to Be Taken Seriously in Medicine?

How does “respectability politics” play out in healthcare, and specifically, pain management? PA1 Chloe Kepros, M1 Zach Grissom, M1 Srishti Mathur and M3 Jeff Goddard unpack how patients often adjust their behavior and appearance to gain credibility in medical spaces. From the history of pain measurement to the biases in how pain is treated today, the cultural and social dynamics shaping the decisions healthcare providers make about their patients’ pain is more than an academic exercise. When patients feel they must dress up for doctor visits, use advanced terminology, or even give their pain scale number a little boost, just to be taken seriously, is that just society in action? Or is it a barrier to care? What does it mean to be truly seen in medical spaces? Plus, pre-med listener Violet asks about balancing vulnerability and professionalism during med school interviews.

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Continue reading The Secret to Getting Better Health Care: Be Different

On Top or Down Low: The Status Hierarchies in Medicine ft. Tania Jenkins, PhD


What you should know about the super hierarchical world of medicine

Have you ever wondered what the world of medicine would look like to an ethnographer? To University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Professor Tania Jenkins, perhaps it looks like a ladder of status, from the lowly med student to the exalted attending (and even higher). For her book Doctors’ Orders: The Making of Status Hierarchies in an Elite Profession, Professor Jenkins spent years looking at the construction and consequences of those distinctions for doctors before, during, and after their training, especially among American, international, and osteopathic residents in two US hospitals.

Cohosts Emma Barr (M3), Bryn Myers (M2), and Greta Becker (M2) discuss with Dr. Jenkins why status hierarchies seem so important in medicine, what they accomplish and inhibit, and why they may be short-changing the system, the practitioners, and the patients.

Dr. Jenkins also helps us answer a question from “Glisten Rumpybottom” about the future of medicine as the scope of practice for mid-level practitioners like nurse practitioners and PAs continues to expand. Is this a safety issue or a turf war?

We Want to Hear From You

How’d we do on this week’s show? Did we miss anything in our conversation? Did we anger you? Did we make you smile? Call us at 347-SHORTCT anytime  or email theshortcoats@gmail.com.  It’s always a pleasure to hear from you!