Review The Short Coat Podcast on Stitcher


wantWe’re begging for a review on Stitcher.

Stitcher is sort of like a web-based iTunes for podcasts.  It’s really cool, and streams shows rather than making you download them.  Here’s how you can leave us a review:

  • Click here (opens Stitcher in a new window).
  • Click the stars underneath our logo.
  • Click "Write a Review"
  • Be sure to include the words "great," "entertaining," "Dave Etler is handsome," and "pay raise."  You know, if you think it's appropriate.

(Why leave a review? Podcasts depend heavily on the reviews listeners leave.  iTunes uses them to determine whether to bring them to the attention of potential listeners.  Under the right conditions, Stitcher will feature them in the trending lists for a category.  How does that work?  No one knows. But reviews clearly help through some algorithm based on the volume of tears shed by antivaxxers as are inversely proportional to the square root of -1. )


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